ADSC (Adipose Derived Stem Cells) Treatment of Painful Degeneration in the Knee Joint

ADSC (Adipose Derived Stem Cells) Treatment of Painful Degeneration in the Knee Joint

Arthrosis i.e. “a painful degeneration of the joint”, occurs most frequently in the knees. When this “weight bearing” joint is affected it results in a decrease in life quality for the patient. They often experience pain even when walking, or climbing stairs. For those that are in an earlier phase of joint degeneration, they may first notice it only when they are exercising and playing sports.

ADSC has been scientifically documented (see our website bibliography), to both decrease pain and regenerate damaged joint tissue. To put it simply, the high concentration of stem cells harvested from the patients abdominal fat results in the regeneration of the joint and a significant decrease in pain.
ADSC is collected using a standard liposuction technique from the lower abdominal area, (below your tummy button). The patient is lightly sedated (sleeping), during this procedure and feels no pain. The collected fat then undergoes a very specific series of filtration steps, resulting in a small quantity of highly concentrated stem cells that are directly injected into the knee joint.
We at Regenerative are delighted to be able to offer this innovative effective treatment to our patients.

How is it done?

1 Regenerative doctors have now treated our first ADSC patient. With excellent result He now no longer takes the elevator to visit our clinic (Sørkedalsvein 10A, 2nd floor) for routine follow up appointments, and tells us that he has started training and dancing again.


2 Stem cells are harvested from abdominal fatty tissue. The patient is sleeping lightly, comfortable and pain free.


3 The stem cells are concentrated using a sequence of specific filtration techniques.


4 The last filtration step “traps” the high concentration of stem cells in a special final filter.


5 The concentrated regenerative stem cells are injected into the painful degenerated knee joint


Read more about what stem cell treatments can do here

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