Stem cell treatment

Stem cell treatment
The future way to better health. See the attached video from The Mayo Clinic, USA

It is with good reason that we called our clinic ”Regenerative”. Regenerative medicine enhances the body’s innate ability to heal itself. The treatments at Regenerative are based on the patients’ own freshly harvested stem cells. Stem cell research started many, many years ago. About 10 years ago PRP (platelet Rich Plasma), a ”first generation” blood derived stem cell treatment were introduced. This has been used for the treatment of chronic ulcers, in oral surgery and orthopaedic and plastic surgery… to name but a few. In the world of aesthetic treatments this was known as the ”Dracula treatment” as it was based on blood.

At Regenerative we use a ”second generation” blood derived product: iPRF (injectable platelet rich fibrin). Our plan is that in early 2019 we will in addition to iPRF, be able to offer our patients treatments based upon ADSC. This modality of stem cell harvesting from the patient’s abdominal /”tummy” fat has a much higher concentration of stem cells. This treatment modality will be offered for both esthetic and orthopaedic treatments by Regenerative.


Stem cell based treatments from either iPRF or from ADSC, will enable patients to postpone surgical intervention or even avoid it completely.


Research at The Mayo Clinic, USA

The Mayo Clinic is renowned worldwide and has 3 big centres in the USA. The Mayo Clinic is at the forefront of regenerative medicine based research. At The Mayo Clinic regenerative medicine comprises a lot more than skin, painful joints and hair loss.

The short, easy to understand video from The Mayo clinic attached below, gives an informative insight into stem cell based regenerative medicine


Regenerative Medicine at Mayo Clinic

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