Joint treatments with growtfactors and stemcells
Arthrosis i.e. «wear and tear» degeneration of joints can occur at any age, but is most frequent in the second half of life. Several reasons can cause this condition, such as normal aging, overweight and infection. The painful symptoms are the result of the reduction in thickness of the rubbery material called cartilage that lies between the bony ends of the joint. Over time the cartilage can degenerate completely and the bony ends of the joints rub against each other causing pain, stiffness and swelling. The degree of discomfort ranges from mild to invalidating pain. There is always an element of inflammation in such a joint. Treatment of these painful joints is multi-factorial and involves pain relieving medication, weight reduction and physiotherapy. Corticosteroid injections result in a transient decrease in the inflammatory pain, but they have NO REGENERATIVE effect. On the contrary, repeated corticosteroid injections have a DEGENERATIVE effect on the cartilage. Hyaluronic acid has also been used for transient temporary relief, but this does not have any regenerative effect on the already damaged tissues.
Regenerative treatments of the painful joints and tendons aim to decrease pain, improve function and REGENERATE the affected joint. The techniques used are based on documented scientific techniques that are well described in the medical literature. No artificial additives are used in our Regenerative treatments. The treatments are designed to optimize high concentrations of growth factors, cytokines and stem cells from your own blood or abdominal fat. This «elixir» is then injected into the affected joint space under controlled conditions by our experienced doctors.
Our treatments
Regenerative offers 2 stem cell-based treatment options; iPRF (injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin) where we use fibrin form your own blood, and ADSC (Adipose Derived Stem Cells) where we harvest stem cells form fat tissue. Both treatments have good scientific research, but there are some differences regarding the procedure, effect and durability.

iPRF treatments of painful joints
iPRF treatments of painful joints are optimal and preventive for those patients with mild to moderate conditions, so early diagnosis and treatment is an advantage. This will delay and to some extent limit the development of more serious arthrosis. Several scientific studies have shown significant improvement ranging from 50-90% pain-free after treatments with iPRF.
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ADSC «Adipose Derived Stem Cells»
The latest and definitively very effective stem cell treatment for advanced arthrosis and painful joints is ADSC (Adipose Derived Stem Cells). A highly concentrated elixir of stem cells is harvested from the patient’s own abdominal fat. A single treatment results in a very significant improvement in function and reduction of pain.
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Diagnostics are done clinically at your consultation in conjunction with X rays or MRI pictures. We recommend that the x-rays or MRIs are done prior to your consultation. In many cases a report from your radiographic doctor confirming and describing the degree and diagnosis of arthrosis is sufficient. Your X-ray/ MRI scans can be copied onto a memory stick or CD-rom and brought to your consultation. If you have not had an X-ray or MRI examination we can arrange a referral to your local hospital or an X-ray institute near you for the relevant pictures to be taken before your consultation.
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NESTEN FOR GODT TIL Å VÆRE SANT! For 5 uker siden fikk jeg, som den første i Norge, gjennomført en stamcellebehandling av mitt pill råtne høyre kne! Fikk en mulighet – i stedet for kneprotese! Det går ut på å sprøyte inn stamceller* – hentet fra magefett – hvilket det var plenty av – inn i kneleddet!
Jeg kan nå nesten løpe ned og opp trapper, gå på ski uten smerter – ja nesten litt uvirkelig bra!

Tomm Fjeldheim
«Yourself – Just better»